Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

Dudek’s vision for information technology that will take them into the future does not include an on-premises data center. On-prem infrastructure, including physical GPU workstations and a legacy VDI solution, was actually limiting agility and innovation and slowing project delivery. An organization with a strong value system and customer success orientation, Dudek decided to make bold IT changes that would benefit both customers and staff, while underscoring the values of efficiency & excellence.

Working with their business partners, the IT team examined a key use case that was presenting serious challenges. Dudek uses Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS; drones plus a ground control system) to collect data for land development and infrastructure projects. Processing this data, depending on the acreage of the flight, could take up to 5 full days before it could be put to use. The team evaluated Workspot Workstation Cloud, along with new clustering software, and data processing time for a similarly sized job dropped to just 6 hours! Even better, engineers are now able to visualize this data at the edge, using any device, and put it to work for the project in real-time. The IT team then turned their attention to a second use case: Survey engineers who were suffering from performance issues when using ArcGIS. The IT team solved this pain with cloud workstations as well. Finally, the firm’s legacy VDI solution is being phased out because of cost and performance problems, and soon employees company-wide will enjoy the performance and mobility benefits of Workspot Desktop Cloud.

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A Suggested VDI Roadmap to Navigate Past Turbulent Times

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   The modern data center was created by VMware, with most organizations today... Read more

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The Unified Digital Workplace Platform

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   Workspot has been long known as an end user computing (EUC) leader... Read more