Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

Using a Google Chromebook Pixel to Access a Workspot Cloud Workstation

In this demo you’ll see a Google Chromebook Pixel running the Workspot Client for Web connecting to a Workspot Cloud PC running in the cloud. The Chromebook is connected to an ultrawide monitor with a screen resolution of 2560 x 1080. The GPU accelerated Workspot Cloud PC is running several applications; Autodesk Revit, Google Earth, TC2000 Financial App, videos, Office 365 and more.

Latest Resources

We're here to help! Access these valuable resources to help guide your journey to cloud desktops.

Full Webinar – IDC, Google Cloud and Workspot Explore the C-Suite Agenda for the Future of Work

What does the future of work hold in store? We can only predict so much, and that's why IT leaders need to make sure their organizations are ready for anything. Join IDC, Google Cloud and Workspot for an in-depth discussion.

IDC Study: Workspot Offers Secure, Scalable Cloud PCs On Google Cloud to Manage Hybrid Work

IDC highlights the compelling agility and security benefits of Workspot SaaS Cloud PCs running on Google Cloud.

Analyst Reports
Ransomware Recovery with Google, NetApp and Workspot

Experts agree that a ransomware attack is inevitable, but you can still take back control - fast - with the right recovery strategy. Watch now.
