Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More


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Why Business, IT and BIM Leaders Agree: Workspot SaaS Rocks!

Cloud workstations surprise and amaze everyone from CEOs to CAD power users, with their flexibility, stunning performance and management simplicity... Watch now.

Why Your CAD Engineers Will Love Inexpensive Laptops(!)

Barge Design traded expensive physical workstations for cloud workstations, and their power users couldn't be happier... Watch now.

How Design and Construction Firms Are Boosting Productivity with Remote Work

What does a CAD engineer do during a pandemic? The Bohler Engineering IT team was ready with high-performance cloud workstations... Watch now.

SLG experts Abid Syed from Microsoft and customer Mike Piper from Cubic share their expertise!

State and local government experts from Microsoft Azure and Cubic Corporation join Workspot to discuss how Workspot cloud desktops and workstations delivered from the Azure Gov and Azure Commercial cloud regions support remote working. Watch now.
