Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

The advantages of Workspot cloud-native SaaS cloud desktops over other virtual desktop approaches are very clear.

Workspot Cloud Desktops

The Cloud is Key to Virtual Desktop Benefits

Gartner forecasts that the number of users for Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) will grow by over 150% between 2020 and 2023. We are seeing this prediction play out as organizations of all sizes realize the value of transitioning to a more flexible, scalable desktop and app delivery solution that features a predictable OpEx model.

The ease and speed with which virtual desktops and apps are deployed in the public cloud stands in stark contrast to complex, expensive, legacy VDI solutions that take months to deploy and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in CapEx to get started. From there, OpEx just continues to increase as IT teams grapple with management complexity. For customers to realize the promised benefits of virtual desktops, a dramatically simplified approach – and a whole new architecture – is needed.

In response to the well-known challenges around deploying and managing physical and virtual desktops, Workspot completely re-imagined desktop delivery and developed a new architecture, the Workspot Desktop Control Fabric™, from the ground up to take advantage of massive public cloud scale. Built on top of this innovative new architecture, the Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud is a 100% cloud-native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for deploying and managing cloud desktops and workstations. Organizations of all sizes can deploy Windows 10 cloud desktops across multiple public clouds and public cloud regions in a matter of days – not weeks or months – while drastically reducing CapEx and OpEx. Superior performance and greater business agility take your business to new levels of productivity.

What’s Wrong with VDI Today?

Legacy VDI solutions are complex and expensive. In order to deploy VDI, IT teams undertake a months-long project that includes:

  • Hiring consultants to design the deployment architecture
  • Conducting a lengthy proof of concept to evaluate solutions
  • Purchasing software, servers, and storage necessary to run the desktops
  • Hiring consultants to implement the solution
  • Running user pilots and refining the deployment

Once the VDI deployment is in production, IT is saddled with the ongoing challenges and expense of running a mission-critical service for the business, while having to continuously apply patches, perform upgrades, and troubleshoot hardware and software failures. In response to customer demand to simplify VDI deployments, many service providers offer hosted solutions – using someone else’s legacy desktop virtualization solution — in their data center. Oftentimes, these desktops are limited to sessions on a Windows Server rather than a real Windows 10 desktop. Although these hosted desktops can satisfy a limited set of use cases, in practice they are fraught with downstream problems for customers.

One of the biggest issues with legacy VDI solutions is that they are built on a single-tenant architecture. The hosting approach to VDI amplifies the high operational costs and unmanageable complexity caused by this single-tenant structure. The consequence of relying on an outdated virtual desktop architecture is that the service provider must manage, patch, upgrade and troubleshoot each customer implementation individually . As a result, there is a high cost associated with managing all this complexity—and hosting providers pass that cost along to customers.

Other virtual desktop providers offer cloud desktop services in one or more public clouds, but they still rely heavily on the customer having in-house expertise to deploy and manage desktops and apps. These solutions are either not enterprise-ready, or they suffer from the inherent complexity of their legacy roots; in either case they do not serve customers well.

Above all, these solutions were designed to work in a single datacenter or cloud region, reflecting antiquated technology in the era of public cloud ubiquity. Remote users therefore contend with latency unnecessarily, which can drastically impact performance and productivity.

The VDI Alternative: The Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud

The Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud platform takes advantage of massive public cloud infrastructure. Unlike do-it-yourself (DIY) VDI or hosted solutions, with Workspot, IT organizations deliver cloud desktops to users in any cloud region globally and manage it all from a single pane of glass. Simplified deployment and ongoing management: Your first set of users are typically live in just a few days. If you’re familiar with DIY VDI, you know what an amazing achievement that is! And once you are up and running, Workspot takes care of day-to-day operations, including scalability, availability, upgrades, and support.

Exceptional end user experience: Workspot’s architecture uniquely separates the control plane from the data plane, which allows IT to place the cloud desktop in the cloud region closest to each user. This reduces latency to less than 50ms and gives end users amazing performance.

Simple to deploy and use, but ready for Enterprise demands: We have designed our solution to be simple. But make no mistake – it is enterprise- ready. Workspot cloud desktops use your corporate Windows 10 template, connect to your corporate Active Directory, inherit all the GPOs you have already setup, and use all the networking and security tools you have in place. For your desktop, networking, and security teams, the virtual desktops running in the cloud will behave exactly like a virtual desktop running in your own data center, albeit with greater reliability. And there’s no learning curve to overcome!

Customer Success Program: Customer success is our highest priority, and we partner with you for the long term. In addition to our technology innovations, we have completely changed the way customers procure, deploy and manage virtual desktops. Our Customer Success Program includes a variety of deployment and ongoing optimization services, along with standard and customized training programs.

Go-live deployment services: Our goal is for you to realize the value of your purchase quickly, while also preparing your IT team to manage and scale the solution as needed. We work alongside your team to take cloud desktops live for your first set of users. Initial deployment can take as little as a day. For more details, Customer Success Program Overview.

Ongoing transformation: After deploying your initial use case, we help you examine your business to identify new requirements and additional use cases that can take your business to new places. Digital transformation is an ongoing process, and we’re in it with you for the long term.

360° innovation: Because we invented the Enterprise Desktop Cloud technology and we also run the SaaS platform, every customer encounter is a learning experience that is fed directly back into product innovation. You have a voice in the roadmap, and all customers benefit from upgrades and new features.

Holistic problem resolution: Once your cloud desktops and workstations are live in your organization, our Customer Support Team steps in as an additional resource. These industry experts are known for their responsiveness and the depth of their virtual desktop and public cloud knowledge. They’ll answer your questions, help you manage updates and ensure you are taking advantage of new features on an ongoing basis. Our Standard Support Plan is included with your Workspot subscription.


Workspot simplifies deployment, eliminates management complexity, increases IT efficiency and reduces the TCO of traditional VDI deployments. The Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud SaaS platform offers the fastest path to delivering Windows 10 desktops. Now organizations of all sizes can provide secure access to cloud desktops, from any location with the ultimate performance users love. With the ability to provision thousands of desktops across public clouds in minutes, and then manage everything from a single pane of glass, Workspot delivers unprecedented value.

Latest Resources

We're here to help! Access these valuable resources to help guide your journey to cloud desktops.

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