Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

CIO Andy Knauf of design/build from Mead & Hunt deployed hundreds of Workspot cloud workstations, and along with Panzura…

Andy Knauf, CIO of Mead & Hunt combined hundreds of Workspot cloud workstations with data managed by Panzura controllers in three Microsoft Azure cloud regions across the country. The engineers and designers are cranking on Revit and AutoCAD applications and accessing local files, while Panzura manages the file locking and syncing.

Andy shares his wisdom from deep experience with a variety of virtual desktop solutions, why he finally went “all-in” on Workspot, and how he has avoided buying physical servers and workstations for years! Today the firm hires talent from anywhere and has increased overall productivity (even while working from home!) The IT team has made smart and strategic decision that are supporting the firm’s ability to exceed its growth objectives.

Latest Resources

We're here to help! Access these valuable resources to help guide your journey to cloud desktops.

A Suggested VDI Roadmap to Navigate Past Turbulent Times

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   The modern data center was created by VMware, with most organizations today... Read more

How to Modernize your VDI and EUC in a Hybrid Multi-cloud World with Workspot

In this in-depth view into Workspot, see how we deliver virtual desktops and apps from your datacenter and cloud of choice using a single pane of glass.

The Unified Digital Workplace Platform

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   Workspot has been long known as an end user computing (EUC) leader... Read more