Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

Cloud PCs are foundational to enterprise digital transformation.  Whereas deploying on-premises virtual desktop solutions in more than one datacenter is cost-prohibitive, today enterprises have tens of datacenters around the world available to them via public clouds.

Enterprise use cases are highly decentralized; employees, contractors and project teams are distributed around the world, and hybrid work models are here to stay. The Workspot Global Desktop Fabric uniquely supports multi-cloud deployment, layered security and amazing performance for employees and contractors no matter where they work.

Key use cases for Cloud PCs include call centers, developers, 3D CAD power users and more. Each has its own unique requirements. For example, call center workers access client information, which must be tightly secured. Developers are difficult to hire, so it’s important to have access to a large talent pool. Often they are part of a project team that is geographically distributed. Cloud PCs and workstation provide the flexibility for “follow the sun” development work, in which an engineer in one part of the world ends her day, and an engineer in another part of the world wakes up and seamlessly continues the work. A challenging use case for virtual desktops is 3D CAD users. Traditional VDI has never been a good solution for high-performance computing because of latency. Not anymore. Cloud workstations placed in the nearest cloud region to the end users deliver outstanding performance, keeping even the most demanding end users happy and productive.

Reliability and IT simplicity are also key value points. IT teams don’t have to learn the ins and outs of the SaaS platform; Workspot takes care of the Cloud PC service level agreement (SLA), so IT resources can be put to better use focusing on business priorities.


Latest Resources

We're here to help! Access these valuable resources to help guide your journey to cloud desktops.

A Suggested VDI Roadmap to Navigate Past Turbulent Times

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   The modern data center was created by VMware, with most organizations today... Read more

How to Modernize your VDI and EUC in a Hybrid Multi-cloud World with Workspot

In this in-depth view into Workspot, see how we deliver virtual desktops and apps from your datacenter and cloud of choice using a single pane of glass.

The Unified Digital Workplace Platform

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   Workspot has been long known as an end user computing (EUC) leader... Read more