Leading Auto Manufacturer Hyundai Implements Workspot Enterprise Desktop Cloud. Learn More

By all accounts, ransomware attacks are on the rise. Experts believe that it’s not a matter of “if” your business is victimized, but “when.” Depending on who you ask, mitigating the attack can take a minimum of 30 days as you engage with insurance representatives, attorneys and negotiators. All the while, business productivity plummets because employees are locked out of infected IT assets.

Unfortunately most business continuity plans have a major gap: how will you get your business back up and running to avoid financial losses due to lost productivity and reputation damage? That’s where Workspot Cloud PCs for Ransomware Recovery enter the picture.

Download the Solution Brief to learn more about how Workspot can have your business back to productivity within an hour of the attack.

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We're here to help! Access these valuable resources to help guide your journey to cloud desktops.

A Suggested VDI Roadmap to Navigate Past Turbulent Times

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   The modern data center was created by VMware, with most organizations today... Read more

How to Modernize your VDI and EUC in a Hybrid Multi-cloud World with Workspot

In this in-depth view into Workspot, see how we deliver virtual desktops and apps from your datacenter and cloud of choice using a single pane of glass.

The Unified Digital Workplace Platform

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing   Workspot has been long known as an end user computing (EUC) leader... Read more